Monday, January 24, 2011

Disposal of Medications

1.  Controlled substances and legend drugs dispensed to residents, that are unused because the medication is discontinued or because the resident dies, shall be destroyed within 30 days, except unused legend drugs may be donated to a charitable clinic pursuant to Alabama Administrative Code, Chapter 420-11-11 et. seq.

2.  Medications of residents who are discharged or transferred  to another facility shall be returned to the residents.  the responsible party will sign a statement that these medications have been received.  the statement shall list the pharmacy ,prescription number, date residents name and strength of the medication and the amount.  This statement shall be maintained in a file for a least two years.  Discontinued medications shall not be stored or housed in the facility.

3.  When medication is destroyed on the premises of the assisted living facility, a record shall be made and filed for at least 2 years.  This record shall include:  the name of the assisted living facility, the method of disposal, the pharmacy, the prescription number, the name of the resident, the name,strength and dosage of the medication, and the amount and the reason for the disposal.  This record shall be signed and dated by the individual performing the destruction and by at least one witness.

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